ECOS webinar on standards and natural refrigerants

Yesterday (28th March 2019), LIFE FRONT project partner ECOS hosted a webinar dedicated to the role of standards in the uptake of natural refrigerants. Around 50 participants joined the webinar to get information on ECOS work and its involvement in the LIFE FRONT project.
ECOS Programme Manager Rita Tedesco gave an overview of refrigerants and their environmental impact and illustrated the barriers posed by safety standards to the uptake of natural refrigerants. The webinar also showed ECOS work on the topic and its involvement in standardization through the LIFE FRONT project.
Activities and objectives of the project were highlighted, together with an invitation to join the Standards Action Group (SAG). As mentioned, the Group aims at gathering around 50 experts with experience in hydrocarbon-based equipment and interest in European and international standard development.
You can now download the webinar slides and watch the recording here!