0 0 By Pauline Bruge In Articles, Knowledge, Survey, Training needsPosted 16 September 2019Participation Sought for Survey on Low-GWP RefrigerantsYou are invited to share your current experiences and training needs related to the use of low GWP alternative refrigerants. READ MORE
0 0 By Dario Belluomini In BusinessPosted 3 April 2018Extension of the deadline for the survey on the barriers for flammable refrigerantsThe deadline for the survey on the barriers for flammable refrigerants has been extended until the 30 April. READ MORE
0 0 By Dario Belluomini In BusinessPosted 15 March 2018New survey to study barriers to flammable refrigerantsA new online survey is now open to collect data and decisive insights on the standards and barriers for flammable refrigerants within the EU. READ MORE